Friday, February 20, 2009

The 47th Annual QCESC Engineers Week Banquet

Tonight is the 47th Annual QCESC Engineers Week Banquet ( being held in conjunction with the Henry Farnum Dinner this year. We should have a couple hundred attendees for a talk on the completion of lock and dam 15 at Rock Island, on the Mississippi River. In addition, the Quad Cities Engineering and Science Council will be presenting Jr./Sr. Scientist and Engineer of the Year awards, a Lifetime Achievement award and student scholarships. QCESC is composed of a number of area engineering and science organizations, including the IEEE section that I was chair of last year.

If you decide to come at the last minute, we should have a couple extra places saved, and there may be snow tonight which will lead to some no-shows. Please DO COME if you have an interest. It will be a wonderful presentation, and the banquet is served by the Radisson in downtown Davenport. An excellent event, for only $40.

The award recipients already know who they are, and their biographies will be published in the brochure, so I'm not revealing too much prematurely to share that I've been selected as the Sr. Scientist of the Year. It is an honor to know that the community values engineering and science, and is willing to promote activities like this.

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