Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Seminar on Brain Science, April 4th

There will be a seminar at Trinity Hospital at Terrace Park (4500 Utica Ridge Rd., Bettendorf, IA) on April 4th, 2009. The speakers will be Lynn Hudson and Denes V. Agoston, two research scientists. Lynn Hudson will speak on 'What Can Biomedical Research Do for You?' and Denes V. Agoston will speak on 'Regenerative Capacity of the Brain: Integrative Medicine and Traumatic Brain Injury.'

The event starts at 10AM, and it sponsored by the Bettendorf Public Schools.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Security & Privacy - In the Cloud

I am posting the slides from my Cloud Computing talk today. A slide show that you can view, and if you want my full deck you just have to email me or Tweet, with your version of PowerPoint or format choice.

I finished up the slides, and added the Larry Ellison audio last night at midnight, so I got to bed after 1am and then got about three hours of sleep before driving the 3 hours to Springfield (IL). This was for the Infragard conference on data protection (see below). We had about 160 people turn out, from all industry sectors. Including: police, federal, agriculture, banking, schools and colleges... Our keynote speaker was excellent (John Bace, of Gartner). We wrapped up around 4pm and I just got back from the return drive. I'm heading off for a nap, and may comment more later. For now, my eyes are bugging out from writing these slides up in one marathon session yesterday. I thought my talk went well, I hope you find the slides somewhat useful.

Click here for the slides. [2.8Mb - 2007 compatible]

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

FBI Infragard Conference, Springfield, March 13, 2009

Please think about attending the FBI Infragard Conference next week in Springfield, Illinois! The cost is ONLY $30 per person, and includes food throughout the day and a nice lunch. This is a great opportunity to hear some excellent security speakers and topical information that is current and helps you in your job.

The Cyber Defense and Recovery Conference:
“Keeping Secrets Safe: Protecting Your Data”

University of Illinois Springfield
Public Affairs Center
Studio Theater, First Floor
Springfield, IL 62703
Cost: $30.00 Start Time: 8:30AM

Speakers include:
  • John Bace
    MScL, CCEP
    Vice President, Gartner’s Compliance & Risk Management Research

    "The Red Queen Corollary to Moore’s Law: How IT and Public Policy Can Coexist"

  • John Bambenek, "Locking Down Your Online Data: A Primer for Consumers"

  • Mike Bernico, "Working Safely and Remotely: Managing the Risk of Remote Access"

  • Adam Hansen, "Corporate Espionage & Counter Intelligence"

  • John D. Johnson, "Security and Privacy Issues in Cloud Computing"

  • SA Bob Kowalski, FBI, "Trends in Intelligence Collection against US Companies"

  • Sarah Migas, "Cyberbullying"

  • Gary Monnard, "Securing the Internet: Ethical Challenges for Telecommunications Companies and the Government"

  • Ken Pappas, "Proactively Protect Against Next Generation Network Threats - Meet Security & Compliancy Requirements and Keep Your Network Safe in a Down Economy"

  • Jeff Thompson, "My Network, Your Playground? Not If I Can Help It!