Monday, September 28, 2015

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RT @qctimes: CornCon cybersecurity conference Saturday at St. Ambrose

Friday, September 18, 2015

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RT @TripwireInc: A Snapshot of Black Hat USA 2015 via @DMBisson w/ @CraigTweets @MrTrav @johndjohnson #security #BlackHat

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

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RT @QCCornCON: The corn maze was just the beginning. Are you ready for #CornCon? Get your tickets today!

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RT @QCCornCON: Share CornCon security CON & Kids Camp OCT 3 Davenport IA @Local4NewsWHBF @BettendorfNews @PaulaSandsLive @RILibrary

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RT @QCCornCON: All I know about putting on a hacker kids camp I learned from @R00tz Thanks for the RT @iMeluny

Saturday, September 12, 2015

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RT @kpoulsen: This is sad. The American Museum of Telephony burned to the ground last night.

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If you can't protect the information , don't collect it.

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Huge opportunities and risks come with IoT explosive growth.

Friday, September 11, 2015

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Still looking for primo security talks for CornCon - Drones? Vehicle hacks? Hit me up! See!

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Quad Cities Parents - Best deal around - send your kids to hacker camp Oct 3 - "Minecraft" programming and more! Goto

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

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Nominate a security leader for SAA Awards! To be presented at SAA Summit Oct 28 in Dallas, TX.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

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RT @joshcorman: Ha! Security Iowa “CornCon” @QCCornCON w/ a @hackidcon / r00tz element “Children of the CornCon”. Open to an @iamthecavalry speaker; takers?

Saturday, September 5, 2015

CornCon The First

I have to say I am excited!

I have wanted to host a regional security conference for a long while, and now it is about to happen.

Please join us for a premier security CON in Davenport, Iowa on October 3rd. We have dynamic world-class speakers, expert workshops, a Hacker Village, contests, CTF, swag and a rocking After Party!!

We also have a kids hacker track called "Children of the CornCon". We plan to have lots of great activities to teach kids about making/breaking and the ethics of responsible security research. Activities include: "Minecraft" Programming, Capture The Flag, Lockpicking, Cryptography and more, with awards and prizes.

Prices are discounted until September 18. On top of our insane Early Bird pricing, we are offering 10% off for Labor Day with the code: LaborDay.

Visit for more information and to register NOW!

* Please email if you wish to be a speaker, sponsor or volunteer. We also have discount codes for college students.

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Containerization serves an important role in securing mobile data.